February News from the Chi Family!

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it looks like the Camp Chi Family is prepared to fill it with good things. Check out all the accomplishments and news we have so far.
A hearty mazel tov to Adam Berkowitz and Rachel Luban on their recent b’nai mitzvot. We heard you both did wonderfully.
The college decisions keep on coming and we are very happy for Benjamin Bluman (Illinois), Scott Harris (Kansas) and Ethan Absler (Mizzou). We hope your college careers are filled with only good things.
Nina Lozovnoy and the Stevenson Competitive Cheerleading Team went to states and placed 3rd. Way to go!
We are thrilled for Celia Giles, AJ Katzenstein and Abbey Finn for being named to JUF & Springboard’s 18 under 18. These teens demonstrate Jewish values and leadership on a daily basis and will be honored at an April community celebration.
Don’t mess with Mike Majewski. He just placed 3rd at the Newbreed Ultimate Jiu Jitsu Tournament.
Congratulations to Benor Winer and the New Trier wrestling team on their recent conference championship!
Becci Crossley has been celebrating her recent engagement and we are so excited for her and her fiancé! We wish you both nothing but the best.
We are thrilled to see that Judith Rappaport, 2017 Habo Village Leader, is now the day camp director at Mayerson JCC in Cincinnati.
Gymnastics are all the rage right now and our campers are pretty good at them! Sammie Temkin took 1st overall at a recent meet and Maxwell Glick won 1st place all around in his age group, and his school, Lakeshore Academy, finished first for level 4 boys gymnastics.
Joey Gluck and Ryan Lerman are a bunch of turkeys, but only because they keep getting strikes, helping the Stevenson bowling team reach states recently. Way to go guys!
We are so excited for Starr Mandell who was recently elected Sigma Delta Tau’s Points Assistant at Florida State University.
Speaking of elections, the Indianapolis AZA and BBG chapters are filled with Chi campers. We are so proud of Tyler Burnett (Godol), Misha Rekhter (S’gan), Spencer Fleischer (Moreh), Isaac Hurwitz (Shaliach) and Jenna Himelstein (Morah) on their recent elections. A big mazel tov to Max Hurwitz on his recent election as the regional s’gan to the Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio AZA region!
We all know that Lilly Murphy is pretty special and now all of Chicagoland knows too, as she and some of her classmates were featured in the Chicago Tribune recently for RADD-Tees Inc., a company they founded that uses art designs from students to make T-shirts and then gives part of the proceeds to high school art departments. They were awarded the Young Entrepreneurs award by the Barrington Area Chamber of Commerce. You can read the full article here.
Have news to share about you or your friends for February? Send it to us here.