Friendship and Shabbat Go Hand In Hand

Not only does Shabbat start today, making it the hands-down best day of the week at Camp Chi, it is also International Friendship Day. When we heard that these two occasions were happening simultaneously today, it was a no brainer to celebrate them together.
Shabbat is the day of rest, giving us a change of pace, and a chance to reset from the busy and crazy week we’ve had. It is not Passover, so we won’t ask 4 questions- just 1. As this isn’t even the first Shabbat of the session, why is this one so different?
The answer is simple- friendship. While not the first Shabbat of the session, this is the first Shabbat since we ended the pod period earlier this week. This week, instead of separating by cabins, we can celebrate Shabbat with less distancing and as whole villages during song session. While we could see our family members from afar before, this week we can give big hugs and take photos before Shabbas begins. Today is also the 13th day of the session, right around that sweet spot where friendships are no longer new and fleeting. As we went from village to village delivering shuk, we saw groups of campers playing cards, helping one another get ready, playing catch and just enjoying being with one another. Today we not only celebrate the day of rest, we celebrate the bonds of friendships that form at camp. So this Shabbat, reach out to your friends, and be sure to wish them a Shabbat Shalom.
Shabbat Shalom Camp Chi