January News from the Chi Family!
The holiday season was filled with exciting news and celebrations for the Camp Chi family and we are ecstatic that we can start 2018 with so much good news to share! We hope that each month’s news is longer than the rest, as the Camp Chi has the best, most prosperous and happiest new year!
The legacy of Chi campers being not just leaders, but Jewish leaders, continues as Grant Katzenstein was elected as S’gan of Ometz AZA.
College decision have begun and we are thrilled for Annie Kaplan (Vanderbilt), Maya Parks (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Emily Minerof (University of Wisconsin-Madison).
While a new group is heading to college, we have some recent graduations to celebrate. Congratulations to Zoey Alch (University of Minnesota) and Emma Seslowsly (Boston University) on their recent graduations.
Meanwhile, still at college Vicki Zilbergleyt was selected as a Recruitment Counselor for Panhellenic Recruitment 2018. Way to go Vicki!
The roads are getting even more crowded as Jacob Freedman recently got his driver’s license.
Mazel tov to Payton and Joseph Klein on their recent b’nai mitzvah. We heard you both did a great job!
Our campers are true mensches! Natalie Margulies recently held a fundraiser for her bat mitzvah project for the Chicago Diabetes Project in honor of her brother, Alex, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was 7. Fellow campers Kevyn Kerwin, Addie Stoner and Mira Feld helped support her.
Do you enjoy good theatre? Well, Katie Kramer recently directed Ohio by Nick Zagone at The Latin School of Chicago. Her directorial debut was a huge success and came on the heels of an excellent portrayal of Kathryn in the show Radium Girls. Course Acting in February 2018 will be her final high school show.
A hearty mazel tov to the Beth Judea USY chapter (photo above), as they recently won International Chapter of the Year. Mollie Chubin, Maddie Brim, Jordyn Neiman, Elana Redfern and Alexa Feldman are all members of the wonderful chapter!
Love must have been in the air recently as we have so many new engagements to report. Sending a big Camp Chi Mazel Tov to Calum Docherty & Murrin Donegan, Zach Berman, Ben Saxon, and Imo Connett & Dale Clark on their recent engagements.
We are happy to report that Andy Stacy recently got married, as did Becca Weiner. Becca was lucky enough to have 3 of her camp friends, Laura Forman Rock, Lisa Malvin and Ashley Abramowicz, as her bridesmaids.
Have news to share about you or your friends for February? Send it to us here.