Camp Prep 101: Advice for New Campers

Being away from home for the first time can certainly be daunting. Especially during the past few years, many kids haven’t had the chance to sleep away from home, and have missed out on sleepovers or school trips. We know that there are a lot of different emotions that can arise from being away from home, and the whirlwind of emotions can become overwhelming.
We suggest talking to your camper about this, and letting them know that it’s perfectly normal to feel any range of these emotions. In fact, talking to your camper and setting goals with them is one of the best ways to ensure they’re successful at camp their first time. Goals such as trying new activities, making friends, and letter writing is a great way to help them start thinking about camp before the summer, which will make the transition smoother. These are all things you can also bring up in the letters you write to your campers, reminding them of the things they want to achieve while at camp.
We’re always here to help. From our team of professional Social Workers to our intense weeks-long staff training, we work around the clock to ensure your camper will be successful, especially during their first time here. These are just a few tips we have, and to check out even more visit our First Timers page on our website.