Dear Future Camper: A letter from the SITs of 2018

The SITs of 2018 were amazing- they filled camp with ruach (spirit), led fun and thoughtful programs, and gave campers unforgettable experiences when in placements. After the summer, they felt they could offer some great advice for new campers. They wrote this open letter to all new campers.
Dear future camper,
We’re the SIT’s (staff in training) of 2018 who found a home at Camp Chi, and we can’t wait for you to find yours too. Some of us have been here since Yeladim or Shoreshim (4th and 5th grade), and others since Noar (9th and 10th grade). But no matter when we started, we all found the same love and appreciation for camp. From horseback riding, to mermaid-ing, to water skiing, and more, there truly is something for everyone. Everyone is able to find their unique place in the Camp Chi community. The amazing staff are dedicated to making your summer the best it can be, by not only being staff, but some of your best friends. Nowadays, it seems like we can’t break free from technology, but camp gives you a place to have freedom for personal experiences and connections. This has been our home away from home for as long as we can remember, and the Camp Chi Magic is a part of us. We hope that you’ll take away the same love that we did. Whether you go for 2, 3, 4, or even 8 weeks, we promise that you’ll enjoy every moment, and never want to leave.
We can’t wait to see you this summer!
-The Staff in Training of 2018