Final Four Frenzy: Winners?

Another year, another March Madness, another round of completely ruined brackets. Whether your bracket was blown out on the first day with Iowa’s loss, or you had Gonzaga going all the way, it was a particularly tough year for most people’s picks. And although JLo and Ron are still celebrating in our offices as Kansas preapares for the Final Four, we have some other names to shout-out. Although no one was able to get all 4 teams, we do have a few honorable mentions that got pretty close this year!
Matt Sturt was the only person that had 3 out of the 4 teams in the Final Four, picking Duke, North Carolina, and Kansas. If only Tennessee had made it, Matt would be our winner. Matt officially earns the biggest bragging rights until next March. Nice going, Matt!
We also had two people who had half of the correct picks. Samantha Block had North Carolina and Kansas, and Mindy (Shapiro) Kallsnick had Duke and Kansas going to the Final Four.
It looks like Gonzaga losing ruined most people’s picks in our Final Four Frenzy, but the most popular pick in our competition was Kansas, so kudos to all the great picks. We hope everyone enjoys a thrilling end to the tournament. We know we will!