Get Ready for Your First Summer at Chi!

We know going to camp is exciting and that it can bring some nerves with it. It’s normal to have both feelings at the same time. In order to help prepare you and your camper for their first summer, we invite you to attend our New Camper Orientation.
Our New Camper Orientation is designed to answer all your questions, ease some worries and generate a whole lot of excitement about the upcoming summer. On Sunday April 29 from 2:00-3:30pm join us at the Bernard Weinger JCC (300 Revere Drive, Northbrook) to meet the Camp Chi Leadership Team and some of our best summer staff, get to know some new friends who are also going into their first summer at camp, hear from some of our veteran parents and campers, explore some of our preferred vendors and learn a little bit more about what to expect in your first summer at Camp Chi!
The event is free for Camp families. It is designed for new campers of all ages attending 2 weeks or more at Chi and their parents. Please RSVP here.
In addition to the New Camper Orientation, we will be mailing all new campers a special guide to Chi that will answer any questions they have. Our website has a series of great resources to help prepare first time parents and campers about their camp experience. You can also watch videos about cabin life, the different activities we offer and our philosophy on camper care!
If that’s not enough you can email us to help connect you to local families to meet before the summer!
If you have any questions about your first time camper’s summer, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to meeting you soon and seeing you on the 29th!