The Last Shabbat Shalom

We have arrived at the last Shabbat of the summer, a Shabbat unlike any other. While we will still have the usual Shuk, Schmooze, Services, and Song Session, it will all be a little different. Everyone knows in the back of their mind that this is the last time this summer we will partake in the Shabbat rituals. While that makes everything a little sad, it also makes it all a little sweeter. There is no doubt that Friday’s song session will be extra exuberant.
Looking back just about 7 weeks ago, a group of campers got off the bus to begin a journey. As the summer has progressed, these campers have grown not only as individuals, but also as a group. They developed skills in programming, communication, and working with campers. But, more than anything else they have grown as leaders. This group of people are the Staff in Training of 2018. As the SITs transition from camper to staff member throughout SIT Summer, they learn the importance of leadership. The SITs have proven that they are ready to lead, and are ready to become the future leaders of Camp Chi.
What makes tonight even more meaningful is that the SITs, who are nearing the end of their SIT Summer, will lead Shabbat. They have chosen to theme their Shabbat “Tree of Life,” recognizing their growth over this summer and over their lives as campers, SITs, and hopefully soon to staff. This Shabbat, we will recognize the amazing things they accomplished this summer as one of the largest SIT classes in history. We will beam with pride as they lead each prayer and give each reading. This is their time to shine and the rest of camp is excited to be a part of it.
To add to the Ruach and emotion of this final Shabbat, many of our alumni will be returning tonight for the 2018 Alumni Weekend. The past leaders of Camp Chi will watch with pride as the future leaders of Camp Chi step up and lead our final Shabbat. With this Shabbat, the alumni will pass the metaphorical torch to the SITs, which they will in turn use to light the Chi Flame next week at Chi Burning.
From the SITs of 2018 and the rest of the Camp Chi family, Shabbat Shalom!