What Makes Shabbat Special?

As we prepare for the first Shabbat of this session, the excitement is in the air. This is our first time coming together as a whole camp since Monday’s specialty orientation, and it is sure to be a special time for everyone. One of the most common questions we get during the year is “What makes Shabbat at camp special?” While we could list hundreds of reasons Shabbat at Camp Chi is special, we narrowed it down to 4 simple S’s that make Shabbat one of the most magical times of the week.
1. Shuk
Shuk is the start of the Shabbat for us at camp. We end Friday’s schedule a little earlier and all gather in the Israeli village. We are not yet showered or dressed for Shabbat, but we are all together in a special place in camp. We have a yummy snack, some Israeli music, dancing, and games. Shuk is special because it is the first time our pace changes and we get to really savor being together.
2. Schmooze
Keeping with the theme of togetherness, schmooze is one of the most special times because we get to wander and find our friends and family members in other villages. Some people love to take Shabbat photos here, while others use it as a time to catch up on the week we’ve had. No matter how you use it, schmooze really brings the kehillah (community) together.
3. Services
To end schmooze, the SITs form a chain at the back of the group and begin to walk towards the amphitheater, as the whole camp walks together to officially celebrate Shabbat together. The service is music-based, with prayers in both English and Hebrew, making it an engaging spiritual experience. Our service allows people of all backgrounds to engage and have easy access to the various prayers, traditions, and songs, making it a very inclusive experience.
4. Song Session
No Shabbat list would be complete without the cherry on the top of the sundae, Song Session. After Shuk, Schmooze, Services, and dinner, the real fun begins. Villages dress in themes or colors and come together to show their ruach (spirit) and have a good time. We sing, dance, jump, march, sway, and eventually sit with arms around one another before ending the night with Circles, the song of Camp Chi. Like at Shuk, where we begin our Shabbat celebrations together in a fun setting, we end Friday the same way – together with our friends.
There are so many aspects of Shabbat at camp that make it special. The above list just covers Friday; not even getting to Saturday. Shabbat is special not just because we get a chance to come together with our cabin and village for the full day, but also because of the change of pace we have. We have a sleep-in on Saturday and meals are in the picnic grove. The whole day is relaxing and gives us a chance to recharge our batteries for another week. One thing can be for sure though, once you experience it, you can’t wait to shout that it must be Shabbat at Camp Chi!