Mix It Up Mondays #1

Looking for ways to beat the boredom we’re currently facing without the use of screens? We’ve got you covered! Here are some great fun ideas to get those creative juices flowing and bodies moving! Keep an eye out for more fun camp activities every Monday!
Something Active: Build your very own Cabin Fort!
Get creative and grab all the couch cushions, pillows, and blankets you can find and build your own replica Camp Chi Cabin. Don’t forget to leave room for you to call or facetime your camp friends, so it will be like you never left! Don’t forget to take a picture of you in your cabin, tag us, and or send it to us at jcccampchi@gmail.com.
Something Yummy: Indoor S’mores
Who does love a good camp S’more! Don’t have a fire pit or a fireplace? No worries! Here is a great and simple recipe to make delicious s’mores from the comfort of your own kitchen.
○ Graham Crackers (Broken in Half)
○ Marshmallows
○ Chocolate (That can be broken into sections)|
○ Any other sweet treats, be as creative as you want!
○ Optional: Your favorite camp songs in the background
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
2. Lay 1/2 of the graham crackers on a cookie sheet. Top with chocolate pieces to cover. Add a marshmallow on top.
3. Bake until the marshmallows are puffed and golden brown, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and top with remaining graham crackers, pressing down slightly to smoosh it into a gooey sandwich.
4. Eat and Enjoy!
Something Artsy: Make a Camp Scene
Camp is beautiful all times of the year. And everyone has their favorite view at camp, from the sunset over the cove to the love triangle in the center of camp, or the amphitheater filled at Shabbat, etc. Draw or paint your favorite place at camp, then tag us on social media, or send photos to jcccampchi@gmail.com. Here are a few of our favorite camp scenes to help inspire you:
Something Messy: Make Some Slime
Looking to get your hands dirty? We know messy programs at camp are super popular and want to make it clear we are NOT suggesting anyone starts a paint war in your house. Instead, here is one of our favorite slime activities and it just takes 3 ingredients.
○ 1 Bottle of Glue (6 oz) – at camp, we buy the larger size, but you can use whatever size you have at home.
○ ½ Teaspoon Baking Soda
○ 1½ Tablespoon of Contact Lens Solution – Be sure whatever brand you use contains contain boric acid and sodium borate.
1. Get a bowl to mix your slime ingredients in.
2. Pour your entire 6 oz Elmer’s Glitter glue into the bowl.
3. Add your 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and mix in thoroughly.
Optional: If you want your slime to be extra stretchy, you can add 2 TBSP to ¼ cup of water here.
4. Slowly mix in your contact lens solution, a teaspoon at a time. Knead and mix well as you go, so you don’t add too much. If you add to much, the slime will harden. You may not need it all, so go slow.
5. Mixing time. Mix until it starts to form and look like slime.
6. Take it out of the bowl and knead it for a while until it really forms into slime and is the consistency you want. It if it too sticky, you can add a bit of baby oil or lotion on your hands.
7. Enjoy!
Have activities and ideas you want us to share? Send them to us for next week’s Mix It Up Monday.