Notes from the Outpost: Getting Out in Autumn
Life in The Outpost Village is all about being outdoors. Tending the Native Plant Garden, gathering under Big Al’s Pavilion, building trails and shelters out in the woods: it’s all about getting outside. In fact, the only time we’re indoors in The Outpost Village is when we go to sleep in the yurts!
We’re all for being outdoors all year round, but there’s one season in particular that reigns supreme for outdoor living. Those Summer days with the sun beating down on you can send you running for some air conditioning, the biting cold of Winter can make an indoor fireplace irresistible, and the constant rains of Spring can make one wonder if it’s even worth stepping foot out the door. And then there’s Autumn. While we love all the seasons and can always find fun outdoors, Autumn provides the ultimate outdoor experience.
While there’s countless activities to do outdoors in Autumn, one of the best, and easiest, is simply being outdoors. Outdoors in Autumn, our senses seem to come alive in a way that is unique from all the other seasons. Our eyes can witness the vivid transformation of the natural world, from tree leaves mimicking flickering flames to chubby squirrels bulking up for the winter ahead. Our noses catch trading whiffs of drying leaves, warming bonfires, and fresh apple orchards. Our ears are constantly treated to one of the most satisfying sounds known to humankind: the perfect crunch of stepping on a fallen, orange leaf. We can feel the cool, refreshing, changing air; a time when it’s not too hot, not too cold, but rather perfect. And if the taste of apples and – dare we say – PUMPKIN SPICE don’t automatically trigger sensations of Autumn, then we kindly suggest you try each one as soon as possible.
Autumn is a unique time when our senses are in full swing, constantly being thrown lovely stimuli for each sense to enjoy. So of course, go apple picking, jump into a mountainous leaf pile, and warm up next to a glowing bonfire. As long as you get outside during this perfect season, then you’ve done yourself a favor. Just remember to thank yourself.