The Magic of Music

A day at Chi over the summer stimulates every one of the senses. You taste delicious food both in the dining hall and at outdoor cooking, see friendships blossom and thrive before your eyes, feel the wind on your face while you go down the zipline, and much more. While many different sights, smells, tastes, and feels will stay with you forever, nothing is quite as reminiscent of camp as the sounds you hear each day. On a given day, you hear A LOT- laughter, conversations, neighing of horses, screaming (usually as you feel the wind on the zipline), and maybe even an argument every now and then. But one thing you are guaranteed to hear every day at camp is music. We hear and write all the time about Camp Chi Magic, but often struggle to say exactly how it is made. And while no one thing makes Camp Chi Magic, music would definitely be a key ingredient. From cabin times, to nighttime rituals, to bonfires and, of course, song session, music is a huge part of what makes Camp Chi so special. And that is why we love this year’s early registration gift so much! So many Camp Chi songs on are featured on this long-sleeved hooded t-shirt, it is amazing. Over the summer, the Full-Time team sat down to debate which songs should be included on the shirt and had a healthy debate about which song is the ultimate camp song. And you know what? We still couldn’t decide. So we are letting each person make their argument for why the song they chose is so special, and we are letting you help us decide- which song is best?
And don’t forget to register by Friday, October 26 to guarantee your spot and receive the amazing shirt. Scroll all the way to the bottom for a sample of the shirt, and a close up on the text as well.
Cat’s in the Cradle by Harry Chapin- Kyle’s Pick
The first time I stepped off the bus at Camp Chi I was very nervous. I had never been away from home for an extended period of time and didn’t know a single person. However, on my first night our entire village had a bonfire where the counselors taught us all a variety of Camp songs. Instantly my whole cabin was singing, had our arms around each other and, right off the bat, we all felt that Camp Chi Magic that we had heard so much about. Now, each year I see hundreds of new campers learning these same songs, feeling these same emotions, and growing into their own strong and independent individuals, just like in my favorite of the songs I learned that night, Cat’s in the Cradle.
Lechi Lach by Debbie Friedman – Joelle’s Pick
I didn’t grow up at Chi and as I entered my first summer, I had no idea what to expect of the camp or the people I would meet. My first Shabbat at camp, we ended services with this song that I had never heard before, but as I stood between long-time supervisory staff members singing this song, I felt like it was directed at me. I had literally journeyed half-way across the country to this unfamiliar camp and surrounded by people I was still getting to know. In that moment I not only felt included, but I knew I was home. This song holds a special place in my heart as it validated the leap of faith I took when I accepted the job offer and the journey it has and continues to take me on since then.
Lean on Me by Bill Withers- Louis’s Pick
Lean on Me is special to me because it always reminds me of the last night of camp. I hear the lyrics and I think of all of the friends I’ve made at summer camp over the years. This song speaks to the sadness of camp ending, but in the end, we know it’s going to be ok because the bonds and friendships made will last a lifetime- and we can always rely on each other no matter what.
Father and Son by Cat Stevens- Brad’s Pick
This song reminds me of camp and all the elements of it. I remember learning this song over 30 years ago as a camper and it still has the same effect on me today. The song reminds me of the many, many campfires I have been part of and all the great memories of laughing, crying and sharing stories. Campfires are a core of what the camp experience is about. This song speaks to creating your identity and camp creates that environment and allows all of us to be ourselves.
Old Saint Helen by Billy Jonas- Natalie’s Pick
This song reminds me that at camp we become a family. I had never been to overnight camp before I started working at Chi in 2017. I was nervous and did not know what to expect. It was not until my first song session where my nerves started to subside, because our song leader started to sing, “Old Saint Helen.” As soon as he played those first few notes a chorus of campers and staff broke out into a choreographed dance screaming “OH SAINT HELEN!” This was such a powerfully experience because in this moment everyone in the room was connected and I soon felt a part of the Camp Chi family, because by the end of the song I found myself singing along.
House at Pooh Corner by Kenny Loggins – Rachael’s Pick
I still remember walking to Chi burning my first summer as a counselor in 1995 and this song being played. I walked arm and arm with my campers that summer and have been doing the same almost every summer since. Some of those same campers are still in my life as I have seen them grow up, get married and have kids of their own. I now watch my own kids walk arm and arm with their camp friends and counselors to the same song every year like time never changes. This song will always be special to me.
You’ve Got a Friend by James Taylor– Jon’s Pick
This song is a reminder of the never-ending bond of camp friendships. We all build friendships with people across the country and around the world. Our camp connection keeps us close no matter the distance or time apart. To know we all have friends that will come running when a need arises is a bond that we get nowhere else like we do at Camp Chi. When I hear this song at camp it reminds him of the friendships and the strong connection of family and being home at Camp Chi.
Circle by Harry Chapin– Jen’s Pick
This song brings back memories of camp friends and all the wonderful times we had at camp. Life is like a circle and keeps moving fast. It reminds me that we need to slow down what we are doing and just enjoy. I remember listening to this song at Chi Burining every year. I would cry all night and all the way home from camp just listening to this song. Now, through my work with Keshet, I am back home at Chi because all my life’s a circle!
All these songs and more are included on the early registration shirt, so don’t forget to sign up by Friday and get yours.
Which song, do you think is the ultimate Camp Chi song? Leave your vote in the comments or add your own song.