We’ve got Ruach! How bout you?

There are few things as amazing as the start of almost any program at the amphitheater. From Homecoming to the SIT play, Havdallah and more, almost every program starts with a roll call to make sure each village is there. While we can tell from a quick glance at the seats if a village isn’t there, the process of calling on each village is something so special when you can’t hear the person next to you because of the ruach emanating from those around you.
Ruach is the Hebrew word for spirit, and at Camp Chi we have quite a bit of ruach that we demonstrate each day. Besides checking in at all-camp programs, you hear people cheering throughout the week. It’s not uncommon to see and hear people on a hayride at all hours cheering for their village, and nothing is quite as deafening as when villages start their cheers between songs at Song Session. While we are having all the virtual song sessions and other programming, we thought we would try to find out who has the most ruach now. Can you cheer loudly and proudly for your village? Send us a video and show us your ruach!
Here’s how it works:
-Record a video performing your favorite Chi cheer. Maybe you still have that Tsofim flow, or perhaps you just love that S-I-T chant. The choice is yours, but be sure to be loud and proud in your recording!
-Post with #ChiRuach and tag Camp Chi
-Send your videos in to jcccampchi@gmail.com
So to sum it all up…