What’s Up with the Planets

By CTC Secretary Tess Adelstein
When I think of Camp Chi, there are many things that come to mind straight away; friends, connections, comfort, summer, home. Another one of the main ideas that come to my mind is stargazing. Camp has made such a simple activity of laying on the ground and looking at the stars and the planets with a group of friends something that I long for during the school year and admittedly miss. Since we still have to wait a few months until we all can go back and do this classic Camp Chi late night activity with our camp family, I figured I’d give you all a little update of what’s happening up there in the solar system.
In a few days, on March 28, there’s going to be a full moon called the Worm Moon. I never knew this until now but, apparently every single full moon has an official name. Since the month of April is coming up, in the astrological calendar, the zodiac calendar has just entered Aries. I know, you’re probably thinking, “What is this girl talking about?!” I promise you, you’re not alone in thinking that, but that’s why I’m going to explain what that means and the effect it has.
Every day of the calendar year falls into one of the zodiac signs. If you want to find yours, click on this link, all you have to do is put your birthday and this blog may make a lot more sense after finding that out. As I mentioned before, a few days ago, the zodiac calendar entered the sign of Aries. Besides for certain dates falling into their correlating zodiac signs, those zodiac signs can also be organized into subgroups called elements. To find out which element your zodiac sign falls into, follow this link and it’s the first thing written at the top of the post. Since Aries is a fire sign, a lot of chaotic and strong energy is coming as the zodiac calendar enters this sign.
What I mean by “strong and chaotic energy” is that fire zodiac signs, which is the element that Aries falls into, are known for being very strong willed people. They usually know what they want and they aren’t afraid to do anything they can to get it. This is absolutely not a bad thing, honestly it’s an extremely helpful attribute that could be the difference between someone being able to accomplish all of their goals in life and not doing so. Fire signs are also known for being extremely social. They’re good at making friends and connecting with people and are able to meet new people and get along with them very easily.
Keeping all of this in mind, the next step is seeing how this full moon and the zodiac calendar being in the sign of Aries affects everyone, not just people that are Aries or fire signs. Full moons are meant to be a time of releasing aspects of your life that no longer serve. This is the time for you to really think about how your life has been going so far during 2021 and as a whole this past year and identify any areas of stress or negative energy that may be stopping you from reaching your highest potential happiness. Obviously, given the circumstances in the world and most of us having to stay in school, you can’t just drop everything you’re doing and drive up to camp because that’s where you’re happiest. Trust me, if we could do that, I’d be first in line to get there. Try and find if there are any people or relationships that have been putting negative energy into your life and have been making you feel more drained and exhausted when you’re with them. This is the time for you to, respectfully, cut ties with them and focus on fulfilling all of the amazing things you are capable of doing in your life.
Since this full moon specifically is in the zodiac sign of Libra, an air sign which is known for being a very creative and individualistic sign, you also should keep an open mind during this time. If you feel like talking with a new person, now is the time to introduce yourself. If, while you’re thinking of a place to get lunch, you remember that there’s a new restaurant that opened a few blocks away, eat there. I know these may sound like very mundane activities, but the simplest moments of stepping out of your comfort zone and just keeping an open mind could completely change your life for the better.
My number one tip for you is to spend the full moon on March 28 relaxing, keeping an open mind, and going over how your life has been recently and finding if there are any specific areas you want to make improvements in, whether that is creating more boundaries with people or reaching out to new individuals that make you feel happy and fulfilled in your life. Considering the state of our world this past year, getting rid of negative energies and relationships in your life and putting yourself and your happiness first is key. This is also the perfect time to reconnect with some close friends, maybe your camp friends, and spending some time with them. A perfect way to do that would be coordinating and signing up for Jewprady together, which is the program CTC has planned for this Thursday, March 25. Click the link in our Instagram bio to sign up and you might as well follow us there too and keep an eye out for the many more and exciting programs coming your way!