Camp Chi Atkins Ultimate Staff Star Award Winners
Camp Chi proudly congratulations the Atkins Ultimate Staff Star Award Winners! Each year, Camp Chi presents this award to one staff member who creates innovative camp programming, represents our camp values of Chesed (Kindness), Kavod (Respect) and Kehilla (Community), and who goes above and beyond their responsibilities while demonstrating commitment to leadership at camp.
This award was created in 2021 by Ed Atkins, M.D., a Camp Chi alumni and longtime philanthropist who graciously supported the renovation of the Atkins Family Health Center.
Emily Muray and Denver Thompson
2024 Recipient
Denver and Emily were both returning Waterfront Directors this summer. As leaders of this team, they not only maintained a high level of safety and efficiency at our lake and pools, but also redefined programmatic experiences. They brought back Jr. lifeguard programs to teach kids safe water techniques, brought kids through the ravine, and taught kids to fish. However, the greatest accomplishment was starting the cove island specialty. This activity combined aquatics and outdoor adventure and created our most popular activity this summer.
Gruff Llywellyn
2023 Recipient
Gruff, our Aquatics Supervisor from Wales, always went the extra mile to ensure every camper was safe and had a great experience. In Summer 2023, the waterfront added a variety of new and innovative programs and Gruff was instrumental to its success. Gruff’s dedication to Camp Chi summers is unwavering and even spends his days off asking how he can help anywhere that camp needs it.
Ely London
2022 Recipient
As the Shoreshim Village Leader, Ely went out of her way daily to make sure that her campers and staff had everything they needed to be successful. What truly set her apart though was her willingness to help her fellow supervisors and anyone in camp that needed it. Ely returned in Summer 2023 as the full-time Community Care Coordinator and continues to live Camp Chi’s values every day.
Lucas Absler
2021 Recipient
Lucas was a Noar (Teen Camp) counselor who went above and beyond for his campers, always putting them first and making sure they had the greatest summer. Lucas was also a part of the Foundation for Jewish Camp’s Cornerstone Fellowship, a transformative leadership experience for counselors from 60+ camps to learn from seasoned faculty, exchange ideas and attend workshops. Through his learnings, Lucas enriched Camp Chi’s programming and Jewish identity. Lucas returned in Summer 2022, to oversee the SITs (Staff in Training), so he could continue to make Camp Chi the best it can be.