Summer 2019 Camp Reunions

The moment you’ve been waiting for… The Camp Chi Summer 2019 Reunion!
While the temperatures have dropped, we have 2 events planned to keep your flame burning through the winter and beyond!
The cost for each event is $25/person and registration directions are below.
Plus we’ll have the early registration Crazy Creek chairs available for pickup at both events!
2019 Garinim, Yeladim, Kadima, Shoreshim, Tsofim, and Chalutzim Reunion
Join us on Saturday, January 11 at Funtopia Glenview 6-8:30pm
We’ll climb, eat dinner, enjoy the indoor ropes course, reveal the annual Camp Chi reunion videos, and so much more!
2019 Habonim, PNW, and Noar Reunion
Join us on Saturday, January 25 5pm-Sunday, January 26 9:30am at Bernard Weinger JCC (Northbrook) for a LOCK-IN REUNION!
We have a fun all-night program planned for our teens including dinner, breakfast, camp friends, the annual Camp Chi reunion videos, and a healthy dose of Camp Chi Magic.
Give back at the reunions!
Last year, we collected art supplies for our colleagues and friends who were devastated by the California wild fires. They were so appreciative and blown away by our generosity.
This year, we are supporting the Ark, a nonprofit social service agency that provides medical care, food and other basic necessities to more than 4,000 families throughout Chicagoland.
So please bring the following items to the reunion:
- Canned soup (kosher)
- Canned peas and corn (kosher)
- Canned tuna and salmon (kosher)
- Canned fruit (kosher)
- Cereal (kosher)
- Crackers (kosher)
- Tea (kosher)
- Pasta (kosher)
- Cooking oil (kosher)
- Full size Toiletries and personal care items (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, deodorant etc.)
How to Register
At this point, online registration is closed. You may pay and register at the door.