2021 Transportation Plans

Part of the camp magic is the journey to and from camp. Whether it is with your friends and counselors on a bus, your family in a car, or even an airplane, we try hard to make getting to camp easy and pleasant. As with most things, we have had to rethink how travel will work for 2021. Below is our plan as of March 11. As with all of our COVID plans and protocols, it is subject to change as we continue to learn, study and monitor guidance provided by local and state health agencies, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the American Camp Association (ACA), and trusted leaders of camps that operated last summer and those preparing for the upcoming summer.
In 2021, transportation will work slightly differently on the way to camp and from camp. On the bus, both on the way to camp and on the way home, everyone will be required to wear a mask. As some campers may need a beverage or small snack to help with motion sickness, we are allowing only water bottles and small snacks. Campers may only remove their mask when eating or drinking.
We are offering our campers two options to get camp this year: being dropped off or riding the bus.
As we are beginning camp in our pods, all transportation is being done by pod. That means campers will ride the bus with their pod and 1 other pod, and those being driven and dropped off will be assigned a drop off window for their cohort. On the Travel Information form, families will select either drop off or bussing (not a bus site as in years past). This form is not yet available, but will be soon.
Drop Off at Camp: As stated above, campers will be assigned a drop off window that corresponds to their cohort. Families with more than one camper can drop off both campers with their first camper, and that camper will be with staff in their cohort until the rest of their cohort/pod arrives on the bus.
Instead of pulling into camp, we are partnering with the Crystal Grand Music Theatre to use their parking lot as a staging area. Families will be asked to arrive there in their check-in window and a staff member will provide directions. Once families are sent into camp, the camper will undergo their first health screening, a nurse will collect any medications not sent through J Drugs, and their bags will be sorted and taken to their village. Family members are asked to stay in their car the entire time. A bathroom for families will not be available.
Bussing: For the way to camp, we are only using two bus sites- Northbrook (Northbrook Court) and Skokie (Old Orchard). We will assign pods to bus sites and times for departure. That means families are unable to request a specific site, as we need to keep pods together. Departure times will be staggered both by time, with 90 minutes between departures, and by bus site.
Of the two pods on the bus, one will be assigned to the front and one to the back of the bus. Everyone will have their own pair of seats, so no one will be directly next to another person, and there will be at least 1 empty row between pods. Upon arrival at the bus site, families will see clear signage directing them to the parking area. There will then be a few stations:
- Check-in & Screening– This is where families will check in, provide their proof of a negative COVID test from within 72 hours, and campers will undergo their first health screening.
- Medication Drop Off– For campers who have medications that are not being processed through J Drugs (inhalers, injectables, etc.)– parents must drop off the medication and sign the medication log. Campers with rescue inhalers and Epipens should keep these emergency medications with them.
- Bus Boarding– At their assigned bus, campers will gather and any excessive baggage will be stowed under the bus. Once their entire pod is there, staff will provide campers with an antibacterial wipe and the pod assigned to the back of the bus will be permitted to board and instructed to wipe down their seating area thoroughly. Once the rear pod has boarded, 1 staff member will load in any gear being stored in the empty row(s), and then the front pod will board in a similar fashion. There will be at least 1 row of empty seats at the front to provide maximum space between the bus driver and the campers and staff.
Please Note: Our transportation partners at Lamers Bus Lines are adhering to very strict cleaning and screening protocols. Each bus is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected at the end of each trip, and drivers go through a thorough health screening at the start of each shift.
Out of State Campers (Flights)– We are proud to serve campers from all over the country and world. As we are beginning camp in our pods, all transportation is being done by pod. Because we cannot transport campers from the airport by pod, we are not offering transportation to camp from the airport. Instead, we are asking families to either arrive a day early and bring their camper to the assigned bus site, or arrange for a friend or family member to bring their camper to the assigned bus site. Families coming from outside of the Midwest will receive a specific email with detailed instructions.
By the end of our 4-week sessions, we hope to be out of the pod period and have a more traditional feel. With that in mind, we plan to allow for a more flexible method of transportation from camp, with multiple bus sites or the option to pick up.
Pickup: Like other years, families wishing to pick their campers up will be given a window to do so before buses depart. Families will be asked to stay in their cars, complete the necessary paperwork, and our staff will help load luggage and return medications when campers are reunited with their families. A bathroom for families will not be available. Camp will remain closed to visitors and families throughout the entire summers, so we are not able to offer tours this summer.
Bussing: At the end of our 4-week sessions, we plan to offer 4 bus sites families can choose from for the way home: Buffalo Grove (Buffalo Grove High School) , Northbrook (Northbrook Court), Skokie (Old Orchard), and Chicago (TBD). As some sites are bigger than others, the number of buses going to each site will vary. Campers will be assigned based on site selection to a bus with their cohort and possibly 1 other cohort.
We ask that only 1 adult per camper goes to the pickup site and arrive at least 30 minutes before buses are scheduled to arrive. Upon arrival, the parent/guardian picking up must check in at the clearly marked station to claim their pickup sticker. As in years past, bags will arrive before campers do and families are asked to claim their bags before getting their camper(s). The buses will be marked clearly, and families are asked to wait in the designated area, spaced out, until a staff member comes off the bus. The first thing the staff will do is empty the bays where sleeping bags, laundry bags, etc. are stowed. Then, the staff will return campers to their families. Families are asked to make sure they have all of their belongings and depart as quickly as possible.
O’Hare Airport: We are unable to go into O’Hare, so our staff cannot help campers check in or escort campers through security as unaccompanied minors as we have in the past. However, we are able to transport campers to O’Hare where they can meet family members to travel home with or fly home on their own*. These campers and their bags would arrive at a central location where family members would sign the campers out and collect their belongings.
*We strongly suggest sending your camper with their cell phone and charger. We will charge their phone the night before they depart, so they can reach you while they travel.
We know that this is a lot of information to take in. As always, our staff are here to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have, so contact us at info@campchi.com anytime.