ChiDoesGood: Thanking The Troops

We’ve had a lot taken from us these past few months as Coronavirus has run rampant. We no longer go to school, soccer dance, baseball, work, and so much more. Then, last week, we lost camp. By any account, it has been a rough couple of months for us. But even with all the loss, we continue to proudly display the core Chi values of kavod (respect), chesed (kindness) and kehillah (community) each week with #ChiDoesGood.
This week, we are not focusing on our loss and the hardships we may be facing. Instead we are continuing to show gratitude. Last week, Kyle taught us about Lollipop Moments, and challenged us to thank the people who have made differences in our lives, particularly at camp. We saw and heard about beautiful messages to counselors and cabinmates, specialists and family members. This week we are continuing to show gratitude, but not necessarily for people we know.
While we have been mostly homebound, a group of people have continued to work hard to protect us and those we care about. They were not shutdown and called home because of COVID. In fact, some of them have had to carry a heavier workload because of it. We are, of course, talking about our armed forces. Our troops are deployed around the world, some away from their families and in dangerous areas. Others are on bases here in the United States and are working diligently to provide supplies, strategy, and support for the military operations. Regardless of one’s politics, we all must support these brave individuals who take such a risk and sacrifice so much for our way of life.
At camp, we rely on letter writing to communicate with everyone in the outside world, and we need to keep those skills sharp. This week we are challenging you to write a letter or draw a picture that shows your gratitude for our heroes. What you include in your letter/drawing is up to you. It should be positive and have notes of thanks and appreciation. Here are some suggestions from organizations like Operation Gratitude and A Million Thanks:
- Include your name and age with any drawings.
- Be genuine and enthusiastic. You do not know the situation the recipient will be in when they get your letter.
- (optional) Include your first name and last initial, address, and/or email in the letter. Some of the troops will respond.
Once you write your letter or drawing, you can email it to us at or mail it to us 3050 Woodridge Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062. We will then package them all together and send in one big envelope to be distributed.
Monday is Memorial Day, when we remember the troops who made the ultimate sacrifice for us. As you are writing or drawing, keep that in mind, and feel free to snap a photo with your letter or drawing and post with #ChiDoesGood.