CHIrt Day 2020

Camp, Contests
2020 has taken a lot from us, but we can still safely celebrate one of our favorite days of the year- Camp T Shirt Day!
So get ready to show your Camp Chi Ruach and win a pizza party next summer!
It’s very easy, wear your favorite Chi Gear on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, snap a photo and share it on Facebook or Instagram with #CHIrtDay & #CampTShirtDay (and tag Camp Chi).
Can’t post the photo but want to be included? Send it to us at jcccampchi@gmail.com.
It’s that simple- wear Chi gear, take a photo, post it or email it, and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a pizza party for your 2021 cabin.
So get ready, mark those calendars, and get your favorite CHIrt ready!
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