Forms Are Available

When families register for Camp Chi, we become a partner in your camper’s well-being. As partners, we promise to keep your camper safe and healthy, while providing a community of friends where they can become more independent and grow as individuals. That is why we ask you to fill out a variety of forms honestly and thoroughly. The information provided on the camper forms are what we use to make cabin assignments and provide specific training to the cabin staff.
Remember, we are a care-providing partner and your camper’s well-being and success is our top priority. We can keep our end of the partnership only if we have the information to prepare our medical staff and counselors to ensure your camper is well cared for and free to have the best summer. The more details you provide, the better prepared we are to help your camper have a safe, happy and memorable time at camp. Once you share information with us, our promise is to share it only with the people who will have direct contact with your camper. This may be our medical staff, social workers or your camper’s village leader and counselors.
We believe that working together is the best chance we have of helping your camper have a safe, happy and successful time at camp. Please contact us to discuss anything in greater detail or if you would feel more comfortable talking to us rather than putting it down on paper.
For all camp sessions EXCEPT TRY CHI, forms are due by April 1. Try Chi Forms are due by June 1. Forms can be found in your CampInTouch account, under “Forms and Documents.”
Here is a brief outline of each form you can find in your CampInTouch account:
All About My Camper
This is the most important form to help our counselors be prepared to ensure your camper has a successful summer. With information about your camper’s interests, social dynamics, and more, it is imperative that you fill this form out honestly and thoroughly. Again, the more information you can provide, the better prepared we can be.
Friendship Requests
Camp provides a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends, however, if your camper is coming to camp with a friend, you may both request to be placed in the same cabin. Because we know how important cabin groupings are to the camp experience, we take the group placement process seriously and it is one of our biggest priorities. The process of making cabin groups is very complex and difficult. We try our best to make sure that everyone will be happy. Please help us consider all campers’ feelings when making requests and understand that friendship requests are not guaranteed, but we do our best to accommodate them. We cannot recognize more than 2 request per session, and please know that friendship requests of any nature cannot be kept confidential by camp staff. We strongly discourage friendship chains (linking multiple friends), as they will be broken during the grouping process.
Please note, SIT Friendship Requests work slightly differently. All details for them can be found on the form in your CampInTouch account.
Program Permission
This form is aptly named and pretty self-explanatory. Parents/Guardians must sign this form which allows their camper to participate in camp programs, and reviews some of the key policies
Camper Contract & Community Agreement on Bullying
Coming to camp means you are part of a community. Part of living in the Camp Chi community is living the Chi core values of kavod (respect), chesed (kindness) and kehillah (community,) and following the rules we have laid out for everyone in our community. These rules and policies help establish a community culture at camp where everyone is aware of the guidelines and provide for a safe and fun camping experience. We take these rules very seriously at camp, and expect you and your camper’s support of them as well. These agreements must be reviewed and signed by both campers and parents/guardians.
Parent Authorization*
The form requires photocopies or your camper’s medical insurance and prescription medication (if applicable) cards AND a parental signature. While we hope to never need this form, it is imperative we have it in case your camper needs to seek care at the local clinic or emergency room.
Health History
This form populates most of the information our health center staff rely on to keep your camper safe and healthy. While the All About my Camper fills out their social-emotional profile, the Health History is what creates their medical profile, including dietary needs, medications, allergies, etc.
Physician’s Exam*
We require a physical examination dated September 1, 2020 or later. It does NOT need to be on the form located in CampInTouch, so if you have one from school, a sports physical, or a standard doctor’s office form, you can submit that.
Immunization Form*
For every camper enrolled in JCC Chicago programming, the parent/guardian must provide a current immunization record appropriate for the camper’s age. If the physical condition of the child is such that any one or more of the immunizing agents should not be administered, the examining physician, advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant responsible for the performance of the health examination shall endorse that fact upon the health examination form. No other exceptions to scheduled immunizations are permitted within JCC Chicago Resident/Overnight Camp programming.
Camper Photo
We ask that every family upload a CURRENT photo of their camper for our records.
J Drugs Medication Order Form**
We partner with J Drugs to fill and package all prescriptions, supplements, vitamins and/or over-the-counter medications. All campers are required to participate in the J Drugs program for their medications to be distributed at camp. J Drugs will take care of everything. Your camper’s medicine will be packaged in dose packs, clearly labeled with your camper’s name and delivered directly to camp prior to your camper’s arrival. J Drugs will manage every step of the process, including insurance payments, dispensing and delivery.
This form must be sent back to J Drugs by May 1, 2021 for campers in Session IA, IB, Take 2, Full Summer or SIT and June 1, 2021 for campers in Session II or Mini Session 2.
Campers using rescue inhalers, EpiPens and injectable medication (i.e. growth hormones) do not need to use J Drugs for these items. The only other exception is if J Drugs notifies us that they are unable to accept your insurance or fill a particular medication.
*This is a paper form that must be faxed, emailed or scanned uploaded into your CampInTouch account.
**This form is not applicable to campers enrolled in Try Chi.