Introducing Program Protector Camp Insurance

As we continue to plan and prepare for summer, we are always striving to find ways to provide the best possible services and protections for our camp families. We know that camp is a significant expense, and we want to help you protect your investment. We have been working for months with various agencies and are proud to offer you the option to obtain Program Protector, a camp insurance provided my CampMinder. Similar to trip insurance, Program Protector camp insurance allows you to get some or all of your money back should you need to cancel or your child’s camp experience is interrupted for one of the covered reasons.
We are very confident camp will run this summer and optimistic as we continue to plan Camp Chi’s 100th. Should the unthinkable happen and we decide to cancel camp, you will have the option to receive a full refund, as we provided last year. As we plan for a great many scenarios for camp, we want you to be prepared as well. Other than our cancellation of camp, per our policies, we do not refund if you decide to cancel your enrollment or a need arises to depart early from camp. Program Protector camp insurance provides opportunities to get some or all of the camp fees back for one of the covered reasons.
Our hope was to offer all our families a deluxe insurance option, which provided a “cancel for any reason” coverage. However, those options were delayed by the providers and are now only offered for new registrations, meaning it must be purchase within 20 days of paying your deposit. We selected what we believe to be the best option, which allows for cancellation for many covered reasons, but stops short of a cancel for any reason option, unless you are new registrant (within 14 days of registering for Summer 2021). They do offer a variety of coverage for cancellation and interruption of camp as well as some medical coverage. Plus in the standard plan, pre-existing conditions can be waived if (a) your payment for the plan and enrollment form are received with or before your final payment and (b) you are not disabled from travel at the time your plan payment is paid.
This service is optional, but we encourage all our Camp Chi families take advantage of this offering. Please read the detailed information, instructions and FAQ it thoroughly. Thank you for your continued support and communication. We will keep working diligently to provide the best opportunities for our families