Meet PackMyRx, Our New Medication Provider

In recent years, we’ve doubled down on the health and well-being of our community. Although this has always been a key focus, the pandemic has forced everyone to realize the importance of health and safety. The brand-new Atkins Family Health Center debuted in 2021, we’ve updated our safety protocols including our vaccination policy, and now we’re continuing to better our health practices with a new medication partner.
Starting Summer 2022, we are partnering with PackMyRx as our medication provider. Although we have had different medication providers in the past few years, we are excited and confident in our partnership with PackMyRx. After researching many different options, receiving stellar reviews from other camps, and having open discussions with PackMyRx, they stood out as the company that can most fully address our needs and concerns.
As our medication provider, anyone who brings medications to camp must go through PackMyRx. The only campers who are exempt from this are those needing inhalers, injectables (growth hormones, insulin, etc.) and epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPens, etc.). Along with prescription medications, PackMyRx also packs over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, supplements, etc., so they have you covered no matter your need. They are not able to pack dissolvable or gummies in the packages, so they will substitute these with alternative chewables or tablets.
We are 100% committed to providing the highest quality of well-being to our community. That is why Camp Chi is paying the full registration fee to PackMyRx for all families. This means that the service is completely free to you besides the usual pharmacy co-pays! As these costs are significant and substantial, there will be no exceptions to using PackMyRx. Families who do not comply with the medication system will be charged a $100 penalty.
Besides being free for our families, PackMyRx offers a user-friendly interface. To get registered, just go to, click “Get Started”, and after verifying your email, search for JCC Camp Chi as your camp and select your camper’s session. Then submit all prescriptions to Direct Meds of Florida (PackMyRx’s pharmacy). If your camper is ordering non-prescription items (OTC medications, vitamins, and/or supplements) a doctor’s note or parents note is required.
We ask that all families submit their medications to PackMyRx at least 45 days ahead of their session but the sooner the better! There will be late fees charged according to the deadline chart below, so please mark your calendars and submit as much as you can early.
Session(s) | Deadline |
Session IA, Session IB, Take Two, Outpost Village, Full Summer & SITs | May 1, 2022 |
PNW & Mini Session 1 | June 1, 2022 |
Session II & Session 2 | June 15, 2022 |
If you have more questions, be sure to read the full FAQ which includes a letter you can share with your medical providers so they can get prescriptions to Direct Meds of Florida easily. And lastly, we encourage you to visit the Health and Wellness section of our website, particularly the Prescription Medication section for more details.
We are excited about the future of this partnership, and the ease and comfort it will bring to the medication process at camp. Please reach out with any questions and remember to register and submit those medications as soon as possible.