Meet the 2019 Junior Staff

You’ve already met the SIT Staff, Returning Counselors and Returning Specialists. Now it’s time to meet the Junior Staff. Almost all of these talented individuals were SITs of 2018 and all have displayed great potential and demonstrated excellence in our search for the best staff.
They’re a fun loving group with a lot of exciting plans and ideas. They’ll be both counselors and specialists and they are excited to meet their campers, and so it is with great pride, we introduce you to the 2019 Junior Staff
Leah | Aberman | Rebecca | Kamensky | |
Lucas | Absler | Max | Kaufman | |
Julian | Akiva | Grace | Kellie | |
Jessica | Allen | Ally | Kiwaiko | |
Rebecca | Alterson | Sonya | Koffman | |
Haley | Bauman | Alex | Kogen | |
Lindsay | Bell | Daniel | Korol | |
Lauren | Belsky | Roya | Lippe | |
Ally | Berkowitz | Sarah | Lowenthal | |
Liza | Bluman | Marc | Luban | |
Adam | Brodsky | Zoe | Matz | |
Zach | Brown | Daniel | Mesirow | |
Michael | Buzil | Leo | Mondschain | |
Hailey | Cooper | Asher | Neil | |
Jessie | Cooper | Rory | Nutkevitch | |
Lizzie | Doman | Joe | Preston | |
Jarett | Fersten | Michelle | Prupes | |
Julia | Foster | Josh | Robbins | |
Marlee | Fradin | Rachel | Rossiello | |
Adam | Gadiel | Jamie | Rubin | |
Celia | Giles | Braydn | Schuler | |
Sari | Gluck | Lex | Schulman | |
Scott | Goldin | Lindsey | Schur | |
Livi | Gork | Max | Sedley | |
Hayden | Grijnsztein | Gabbi | Shakhman | |
Adina | Grossman | Spencer | Sher | |
Kyle | Grumet | Andy | Siegel | |
Gabi | Guon | Katie | Stein | |
Kimberlee | Holman | Roy | Steinberg | |
Shayna | Holman | Anna | Wittcoff |
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