The First 36: 2020 Edition

Summer 2019 is in the books and in the rear-view mirror. Now, it is time to focus on Summer 2020- Camp Chi’s 99th year! Much of the excitement and great start of registration is due to success of Summer 2019. So, before we move fully into Summer 2020, we want to once again thank everyone for making this past summer so memorable and exciting!
As we are almost 10 days into registration, it’s time for our annual First 36 Tradition where we highlight the first 18 New and Returning campers on Winkle’s Blog. So please put your hands together for the First 36:
First 18 New Campers in 2020:
- Ava Arnold
- Charlotte Arnold
- Andrew Block
- Emma Britva
- Dori Claster
- Henry Claster
- Eli Goltz
- Gavriela Groth
- Liv Herszage
- Lily Kienzle
- Audrey Klerman
- Isabella Manes
- Evan Misenko
- Ori Nussbaum
- Joshua Olex
- Micah Pearlman
- Anya Sinelnikov
- Max Weisbach
First 18 Returning Campers in 2020
- Alexandra Cohen
- Samantha Cohen
- Talia Feinberg
- Bradley Feinstein
- Avery Kahn
- Eli Kahn
- Anara Katzman
- Eliana Katzman
- Julia Kirsh
- Zoe Kirsh
- Ryan Lemberg
- Patrick Mallin
- Sally Mallin
- Jadyn Pollack
- Noah Pollack
- Ari Rosenthal
- Peyton Sinason
- Sydney Zuckert
Want to see your name on future lists and announcements? Then be sure to register for summer 2020. And ff you register for 2+ weeks in 2020 by October 25, you will receive the limited edition Camp Chi Crazy Creek Chair.