What has been happening going on with CTC?

Hey Camp Chi! Since CTC came back last spring we have been super busy. The last few months of 2020 and January of this year have been so exciting for CTC! This past November we held CTCs first ever Executive Board elections. Our Executive and Leadership board then went on to plan some awesome programming. With our new board in place and CTC in full swing, we thought it would only be right for us to go over the many exciting programs and events that have been happening in the world of Chi Town Connection!
At the end of November, we had our first virtual euchre tournament over Zoom. This event was such a big success and it was great seeing so many Camp Chi teens participating and getting to socialize, even if it was on Zoom, and play a classic camp card game. Our two winners, Calliope Silverberg and Rachel Yosowitz, played especially well and were able to win an ice cream party for their cabin next summer. Congrats!
We kicked off December with our first major philanthropy event, the CTC Holiday Give-A-Thon, benefiting Fill a Heart 4 Kids. Members of the CTC and Camp Chi community were able to buy items that were curated on a custom Amazon Wishlist, that were then donated to homeless and foster youth in the Chicago-land area. This was such a great event supporting an amazing cause and we’re so grateful to anyone and everyone that donated or helped spread the word about this special event! Thank you!
Another very exciting thing that happened just before the New Year was expanding our Leadership Board. Applications came out on our Instagram and we are so excited to welcome our 8 new members joining the Leadership Board team! The whole Leadership Board has officially started their meetings for the new year and we’re already planning so many fun things for the upcoming months. Committees are meeting and going over ideas, working on programs and social media posts for all Camp Chi teens to participate in.
The year 2020 and this year so far have been very exciting for CTC and full of many amazing activities. Even though the year hasn’t gone as any of us planned, the Camp Chi community as a whole has been able to push through and continue to stand strong and keep that Camp Chi magic that we all know and love alive in our hearts, even if we had to stay at home. Thank you all so much for all of the support and participation we’ve been receiving and we can’t wait to show you all of the fun things we have in store for the coming months leading up to the Summer!
-Tess Adelstein, CTC Secretary
Want to get you or your teen involved? Follow us on Instagram @ChiTownConnection or email jlondon@jccchicago.org for more info!