Chi Does Good into 5781
As the Camp Chi Family, each of us has the responsibility to live by the core values of Camp Chi- kavod (respect), chesed (kindness) and kehillah (community)- all year. That means that we as individuals, as well as the collective, are obligated to do good. In the past year, we have showcased some amazing do gooders, or as we call them Mitzvah Makers.
We have seen campers help provide food and sustenance for the hungry, we have made masks for the medical workers who were working so hard during the pandemic, and so much more. Our staff stepped forward to help fight racial inequities, support and educate others alongside marchers and protesters with the Black Lives Matter movement. We have made friendship bracelets for doctors and nurses, wrote letters and made cards for the troops, and have reached out to stay connected to those who have been lonely during the quarantine. Of course, we can’t leave out our canine companions who benefited from our homemade toys. And in the photo above, alumna Lyndsay Hamilton is volunteering outside hospitals throughout Mexico to provide soup to both medical staff and families of patients. For all the Chi Does Good blogs and Mitzvah Makers, click here. Each of us can do good in our own unique way.
Doing mitzvot and giving back to the community are cornerstones of living a Jewish life. As we head into the new Jewish year, we should double down on our efforts to do good. Click the link below to tell us what you are doing to help others and give back to the community. We would love to feature you as a Mitzvah Maker and do our part to help support you as well. Why? It’s simple, by truly living the Camp Chi Values, Chi Does Good.